The lost pet cemetery of Lanzarote
Despite the dimensions of Lanzarote are far from being disproportionate, in the almost 850 square kilometers of its
contour there are milestones that can only be discovered if you let yourself be cajoled by the verdure born from the early autumn rains.
The transformed look of the island of the volcanoes at this time, makes sprout in the look of the stroller, besides
showing the transitory vegetation, places that otherwise, dominated by a classic and sentimental aridity, would be
hardly visited by someone other than the wildlife that lives in that specific demarcation.
The town of Nazareth, in the municipality of Teguise hides in its summit, a place for which there is no other
adjective than curious. And no, we are not talking about the familiar Lagomar that, if we pay attention to a false
legend perpetuated by force, was lost by the British actor Omar Sarif in a game of cards in the 70s.
In our case, cards have nothing to do, but it does the chance. If you decide to climb the mountain of the village,
whose white houses face south of Las Laderas, once the tarred streets ends, one comes across an appetizing dirt
path. Taking it is a small adventure in the monotony of vehicle and office.
The fresh air moved by the virulence of the Alisio greets the traveler who, unconscious, enters a plain where our
sight, if it remains attentive, can observe birds protected by the proximity of the area with the Protected Landscape of Tenegüime.
From the height it manages to blur with this landscape, example of the insular geology, a pet cemetery , the true
rara avis of the zone, that permeates majestic and elegant to the side of the paved road that turns to the right in the first bifurcartion.
Eleven tombs of animals rest there for the eternity at least since 2003, the oldest date recorded in the crosses that mark each of the niches. Ben, Blanca, Fluffy, Ginger, Smokey … the names of these animals that left their mark in life, so much that the family or the families to which they belonged decided to choose this bucolic place to remember them.